Meet The Clerk
Anita has been employed by the Franklin Parish
Clerk of Court for over 22 years. She began her
career with the Clerk’s Office as Deputy Clerk,
under the direction and leadership of Ms. Faye Elkin,
and continued as Minute Clerk and Chief Deputy
Clerk under Ms. Ann Johnson. She was sworn in as
Clerk of Court on June 18, 2020, and took office on
July 1, 2020.
Under the Constitution of Louisiana, Anita is the
clerk of the District Court for Franklin Parish and the
ex officio recorder of deeds, mortgages, and
conveyances, and other documents. In addition, she
is also the Chief Election Officer of the Parish and
Parish Custodian of Voting Machines.
Anita is a Certified Clerk of Court, an ex officio
Notary, a member of the Louisiana Clerks of Court
Association, and a member of the Board of Election
Supervisors. She is also a member of the Jury Commission, the Winnsboro Lions Club, and the Winnsboro Rotary Club.
A life-long resident of Franklin Parish, Anita is married to Scott Wygal and they are the proud parents of three children and one grandchild. She is a member of Winnsboro First United Pentecostal Church.
“I appreciate the opportunity to serve as YOUR Clerk of Court.”